Mastering Text Processing in Linux: A Deep Dive into Awk, Grep, and Sed Commands

Introduction Text processing is a fundamental aspect of Linux command-line usage. In this blog, we will explore three powerful commands - Awk, Grep, and Sed - that play pivotal roles in manipulating and extracting information from text data. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, understanding these commands will enhance your ability to efficiently handle textual information in a Unix-like environment.

Awk: The Text Processing Powerhouse Overview: Awk is a versatile programming language designed for pattern scanning and processing. It's particularly adept at working with structured data, making it an invaluable tool for extracting and transforming information from text files.

Key Concepts:

Patterns and Actions: Awk operates on a pattern-action basis. A pattern specifies when an action should be performed, and the action defines what should be done when the pattern is matched.


bash awk '/pattern/ {print $2}' filename This command prints the second field of lines containing the specified pattern in the 'filename'.

Built-in Variables: Awk provides several built-in variables like $0 (entire line), $1 (first field), and NF (number of fields). Utilizing these variables enhances the flexibility of Awk scripts. awk '{if(NF > 3) print $3}' filename This command prints the third field of lines with more than three fields.

BEGIN and END Blocks: The BEGIN and END blocks allow you to execute actions before processing the first line and after processing the last line, respectively.


bash awk 'BEGIN {print "Start Processing"} {print $0} END {print "End Processing"}' filen

Grep: Searching and Filtering Overview: Grep is a command-line utility for searching plain-text data using regular expressions. It efficiently filters lines that match a specified pattern, making it an indispensable tool for quickly locating information within files.

Key Concepts:

Basic Grep Usage: Grep's basic usage involves specifying a pattern and a file to search.


bash grep "pattern" filename This command prints lines containing the specified pattern in the 'filename'.

Recursive Search: Grep can search for patterns recursively in directories using the -r option.

Example: bash grep -r "pattern" directory This command searches for the pattern in all files within the specified directory and its subdirectories.

Extended Regular Expressions: Grep supports extended regular expressions using the -E option.


bash grep -E "(pattern1|pattern2)" filename This command searches for lines containing either 'pattern1' or 'pattern2'. sed, or stream editor, is a powerful tool for text processing and manipulation in Linux. It operates on a line-by-line basis, making it useful for transforming text in scripts and one-liners. Here are some common sed commands and their explanations:

Sed command

  1. Substitution (s command): The s command is used for substituting or replacing text. bash

    Basic substitution

    sed 's/old/new/' filename

Replace all occurrences in a line

sed 's/old/new/g' filename

Replace only the second occurrence in each line

sed 's/old/new/2' filename

  1. Delete Lines (d command): The d command deletes lines based on a specified pattern. bash

    Delete lines containing a pattern

    sed '/pattern/d' filename
  2. Print Specific Lines (p command): The p command prints lines that match a pattern. bash

    Print lines containing a pattern

    sed -n '/pattern/p' filename
  3. Print Line Numbers (= and N commands): The = command prints the line number, and the N command appends the next line to the pattern space. bash

Print line numbers

sed '=' filename

Print line numbers with content

sed -n '/pattern/=' filename